Meet Our Account Management Team

by Monette Meier on Jun 13, 2017

energy software

General Interest

solar analytics

Since the early days of Energy Toolbase, we’ve taken pride in offering our clients personalized, one-on-one support. To this day, each and every client, whether they’ve been with us from the beginning or are just starting a free trial, gets assigned a dedicated Account Manager. Our platform can be used for many different types of projects (i.e. residential, commercial, solar, storage, etc.) across the country, so we want to make sure that we spend one-on-one time with each of our clients getting things configured to their specific needs. Also, we didn’t want to become one of those software companies where customers have to wait days to get a response to a question, or call in with an issue just to get lost in a phone tree.

We’ve steadily staffed up our Account Management team over the last couple years to support our growing user base. Based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, our Account Management team now handles a wide variety of sales and support responsibilities. Our team of four Account Managers, also referred to as Integration Specialists, do everything from sourcing new business, to giving live product demos, to onboarding news users and supporting existing users. In one sentence, it’s their job to assist our customers in getting the most benefit possible from our platform. This then enables our users to develop projects more efficiently, perform sharper analyses on our platform, and close more deals.

Our team provides support across many different channels: in private one-on-one screenshare sessions, on weekly group training webinars, on the phone, and over email. The type of training and support we provide varies a lot by user. Sometimes it’s helping users set up a document or financing transaction template. Other times it’s simply explaining why a value calculated the way it did. Sometimes it’s a more complex issue, like how to optimize the allocation of production credits on a multi-facility project.

While you’ve probably interacted with our Account Management at one point or another, we wanted to provide you with some personal background and fun facts about our Account Managers so you can get to know the people that work hard every day to make sure you are getting the most from our platform.

Energy Toolbase account management team
Our Account Management team from left to right: Scott D'Ambrosio, Rion Dixon, Matt Cimo, Greg Drennan (and Stella, Energy Toolbase Chief Canine Officer)

Scott D'Ambrosio

Scott began his journey with Energy Toolbase as an Integration Specialist and rose through the ranks to become Vice President of Sales and Integration. What he finds most meaningful about his role is building lifelong relationships with clients from all over the country and watching their companies grow with the help of our platform. Scott has a passion for sales and has always been intrigued by the renewable energy industry, making Energy Toolbase a perfect fit. He watched his childhood friend, John Gurski, build Energy Toolbase from the ground up and knew immediately that this was something he wanted to be a part of. When he’s not working, Scott enjoys golfing, playing guitar, and, most importantly, spending time with his wife and one-year-old daughter.

Rion Dixon

Rion graduated from Charleston Southern University and built his career in the sales and restaurant management field before joining Energy Toolbase. He was looking to transition into the renewable energy field in a role that would allow him to apply his background in sales and management, which made Energy Toolbase a great fit. What he finds most meaningful about his role is being able to develop meaningful relationships with different clients while helping them solve any problems they may come across. During his free time, Rion likes to golf, fish, and spend time with his girlfriend.

Energy Toolbase account manager team

Greg Drennan

Greg came to Energy Toolbase with a background in wine and liquor sales and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the Florida Institute of Technology. Greg enjoys being able to interact with a wide variety of customers and see solar and energy storage projects from across the country. He loves working for Energy Toolbase because it gives him the opportunity to grow professionally while helping the company grow exponentially. In his spare time, Greg enjoys golfing, boating, watching sports, traveling, and spending time with his friends and family.

Matthew Cimo

Matt came to Energy Toolbase with a background in solar and energy conservation. For seven years, he helped grow Carolina Energy Conservation where he diagnosed and fixed building assembly issues, provided energy evaluations, and ran their solar department which became the top solar installer for their local utility provider. When he’s not helping Energy Toolbase clients troubleshoot issues and utilize the platform more fully, you can find Matt competing at local CrossFit events, golfing with his buddies on the Energy Toolbase integration team, and traveling.

“What I find most meaningful about working for Energy Toolbase is the ability to provide the best product on the market to help our clients grow their business and bottom line.”
- Matthew Cimo, Energy Toolbase Integration Specialist

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