We’ve Made the Entire Proposal Document Template Gallery Readily Accessible in ETB Developer

by Lindsey Paulk on Aug 03, 2022

energy storage proposals

General Interest

savings summary

solar proposals

Our product and engineering teams implemented a UX change that makes all of our proposal document templates more easily accessible for users. This further streamlines the workflow of selecting any template from our growing gallery of documents to present to your customer. From now on, when “Adding a Document” from the “Edit Proposal” screen, users are prompted to select one of their “User Defined Documents” or a template from the “ETB Document Gallery.”


Document templates are mission-critical to effectively communicating the value proposition and project specifications to your end customer. Our document gallery features an assortment of templates, including short-form and long-form, residential and commercial, solar and storage, styled in various themes and layout formats. Users can copy/duplicate any of our gallery templates and customize them to meet their needs. We recently released two new proposal document templates to our gallery: (1) “Acumen EMS - Performance & Savings Summary” and (2) "Multi Meter Solar Project – Summary.”

Acumen EMS - Performance & Savings Summary

The Acumen EMS – Performance & Savings Summary template provides a summary of an ESS simulation that utilizes our Acumen EMS™ control software. This template includes a detailed breakdown of ESS savings broken out by energy and demand savings separately and a summary of the total utility bill cost and savings over a 20-year period.

The template describes the benefits of utilizing our Acumen controls and ETB Monitor software platform and was designed to assist developers in closing more storage projects. Additionally, we link to external references, including Case Studies, Data Sheets, Webinars, and our Acumen EMS Whitepaper for end customers to obtain more information on our products and services. This template can be used as an addendum to supplement other proposal documents you are sending to your customer and is intended to be used when modeling storage projects with one of our direct energy storage integration partners, including BYD, Socomec, CPS, Delta, and Tesla.


Multi Meter Solar Project – Summary

Our new “Multi Meter Solar Project – Summary” template provides a detailed overview of any type of multi-meter solar project. The document summarizes each meter within a given project and includes annual usage (kwh), annual cost ($), utility cost ($/kWh), kW-DC rating, first-year yield (kWh), annual savings (1st yr.), and solar value ($/kWh), and then aggregates the Proposal level total. This template will work dynamically for any number of Facilities and can be used as an addendum to give a transparent view of the specifications of a multi-meter project.


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